The Super Kids Super Quiz Contest is a quiz competition exclusively designed for students from year 4 to year 6. This remarkable event serves as a platform to foster academic excellence and supercharge brain development. By encouraging pupils from different schools around Lagos Nigeria to participate, the contest aims to instil a deep appreciation for education and nurture a generation of young minds equipped with exceptional problem-solving skills.
Through this exceptional platform, students are not only exposed to challenging mathematical problems but also embark on a transformative journey of intellectual growth and personal development.
Tuesday, 12th March 2024 - Online
Saturday, 23rd March 2024 - Physical
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Vivamus ac efficitur quam, eget tincidunt odio sed mi eros egestas in facilisis sed luctus facilisis nunc nulla in.
Vivamus ac efficitur quam, eget tincidunt odio sed mi eros egestas in facilisis sed luctus facilisis nunc nulla in.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
The first stage of the Super Kids Super Quiz contest is online; it comprises multiple-choice mathematical questions which participants are encouraged to answer within a stipulated time frame.
₦ 500,000
₦ 300,000
₦ 200,000
Nutri-Milk Super Kids, a product of FMCG Giants CWAY Food and Beverages is a fruit-flavoured milk drink product specially for kids between the ages of 4-10 years of age. Super Kids drink has a product formulation that contains DHA, a health nutrient that supports normal brain development in Kids.
The tagline for the Super Kids brand is “Smart Drink for Smart Kids” as the brand is actively rooted in promoting and supporting brain development in kids. Super Kids is available in 6 different fruit flavours namely:
The DNA of the Super Kids brand is centred on promoting smartness in kids, and the Super Quiz contest is one of the many ways the brand promotes smartness among kids.
Vivamus ac efficitur quam, eget tincidunt odio sed mi eros egestas in facilisis sed luctus facilisis nunc nulla in sagittis tellus aenean ullamcorper porttitor.
Felis quis accumsan quam facilisis sit amet duis at nunc mauris vivamus ac efficitur quam eget tincidunt odio sed mi eros egestas in facilisis sed luctus facilisis nunc nulla in sagittis tellus aenean ullamcorper porttitor.
Two Stages. The first stage is online which is on Tuesday, 12th March 2024 while the second stage is physical which will be held on Saturday, 23rd March 2024.
The first stage is online which is on Tuesday, 12th March 2024.
The second stage is physical which will be held on Saturday, 23rd March 2024.
The second stage is a physical event and is also the grand finale. It will be held at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) Faculty of Social Science hall.
The Super Kids Super Quiz Contest is powered by the FMCG giant, CWAY Food and Beverages in collaboration with Ose Brain Quest Foundation.
The winners will receive cash prizes. The overall best walks away with N500,000, the 2nd best walks away with N300,000, and the 3rd best walks away with N200,000. There will be other exciting gifts and consolation prizes.
Yes; there will be gifts for all participants and schools that are present on the day of the physical event.
Most definitely; the Super Quiz Contest is one of the many vehicles to promote the Super Kids brand which is rooted in promoting and supporting brain development in kids.
Powered by CWAY in collaboration with Ose Brain Quest Foundation © 2024